Carpal Tunnel Care - A Chiropractic approach to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Are you noticing pain, numbness or odd tingling feelings in your arm or hands? Often this is a sign for carpal tunnel syndrome, and it tends to occur in patients that work closely in front of computer or other work-related repetitive motions. At Kosker Chiropractic, our chiropractors in Toluca Lake, CA can help treat your carpal tunnel syndrome.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common type of pain that occurs in millions of patients across the United States. It’s a common occurrence for adults and is very treatable by our chiropractors.

Doctors often suggest aggressive treatments like injections and surgery when a chiropractor might be your best option to help treat your pains noninvasively.

carpal tunnel wrist pain
wrist adjustment carpal tunnel syndrome

What is Carpel Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome develops when tissues around the wrist often from long hours of typing on a keyboard, are squeezed, or compressed. The nerve that is often compressed is called the median nerve and it starts in your cervical spine, which is in your neck. There are several points along the neck and arms where the nerve can be pressured, frequently near the cervical spine or in the carpal tunnel.  

The worst of the condition is the continuous pain and numbness in your arm and hands. The pain can often travel or spike to the arms and even in your fingertips. Symptoms tend to only get worse when untreated and that is where our local chiropractors in Toluca Lake, CA can help. Those that tend to ignore the pains often feel the worst of it at night and during long days.

If left untreated for long periods of time, surgery might be required. We often times asses the situation and provide alternative measures, if possible, to avoid invasive surgeries.

Can Kosker Chiropractic diagnose Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Absolutely we can! Our chiropractors are licensed doctors of Chiropractic and have years of experience identifying nerve entrapment syndromes. Our specialist can help identify and offer solutions and stretches that can help alleviate the pains.

How do Chiropractors treat Carpel Tunnel Syndrome?

Chiropractors unlike other specialists focus on the root cause of the issue by understanding where the problem is and relieving the pressure. Whether it’s located in your cervical spine or in the carpal tunnel, gentle manipulation and pressure relief will help reduce the pain.

What can you do to help with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Ice or Heat Therapy

Ice is often recommended for symptom relief for patients experiencing carpal tunnel syndrome. Ice numbs the pain and reduces inflammation which is vital for relief. It is not recommended to use heat for carpel tunnel syndrome.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is one of the more useful options for long-term care for patients experiencing carpal tunnel syndrome. Massage therapy reduces inflammation, pain, and numbness associated with carpal tunnel. It helps patients relax and lengthen the muscles in their arms and neck. This helps relieve some of the pressure.