How do Chiropractors improve and treat Knee pain? (Chiropractic Care)

There are many instances throughout the day that require the strength in our knees to get through the instance, whether it’s picking up groceries, going up the stairs, getting out of bed, or even up a ladder if that is the kind of work you do. Often, our patients do not even realize the daily demands that they put on their knees until they start to notice knee pain. Knee pain has a negative effect on your ability to go through your daily activities, let alone feel great at doing what you love to do. Thankfully, at Kosker Chiropractic we provide chiropractic treatment options for knee pains.

What Is the Knee Joint and what does it consist of

The knee is one of the most complex joints in the human body. The knee relies heavily on ligaments and muscles which work closely to achieve stability as you stand, walk, and bend your knees. The knees are also major weight-bearing joints which consist of the Tibia-femoral joint, patella-femoral joint, muscles, ligaments, and two ring-shaped cartilage discs in the knee called menisci.

Our chiropractors in Toluca Lake CA offer a wide variety of treatment options for our patients. We offer alternative noninvasive chiropractic care solutions which can relieve some of the pain and help you get back on your feet. We rarely use phrases like “Part of Life”, “It’s a normal part of growing old”, or “Part of Aging”, as we are strong believers that everyone should be able to do the basics even at an older age.

Our chiropractors focus on the relationship between the structure and function of the knee. We want to find the root cause of the knee pain, so you won’t have to suffer any longer than you already are. There are over 150 different techniques that we can use to manually adjust your spine, joints, and muscles to help reduce pain and help you get back on your feet.

Types of Knee Pain


Arthritis can be caused by different factors relating to your genetics, environment, and your eating habits. What happens with Knee arthritis is a deformity, which can happen from obesity, repetitive stress injuries, and so on. Arthritis is often triggered in the knees and can spread throughout the body. It can affect other structures like muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS Or IT Band Syndrome)

Iliotibial Band Syndrome occurs when inflammation occurs in your tendon and its subsequent rubbing over the outer knee bone. It often occurs from sports training and is considered a sports injury.

Meniscus Injuries

The meniscus or the cushion of your joints is susceptible to injuries. This part of the knee often gets injured from sharp twists or sudden rotation which can happen in sports, in physical heavy careers, and during life. It can also be caused by repetitive rotation of the knee while bearing weight.

Chiropractic Care Treatment

Once you schedule your first appointment with our Chiropractors in Toluca Lake, we will assess your history, examine your knee pain and determine the best course of action.

Your Chiropractor will create a plan to help you manage your knee pain. A proper knee adjustment and the proper plan will help you heal the damages and get your knee back pain-free.

One of the main components of treatment is to manage your inflammation. There is numerous ways to reduce inflammation like using Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) or regular cold and heat therapy.

At Kosker Chiropractic we want to get to the core of the problem. We will ask you various questions to understand where the pain came from and determine the proper course of action.